• 13 KW. 24
    Wykład „Criminalization: When to Restrict?” (Prof. Dr. Ushangi Bakhtadze)

    Wykład „Criminalization: When to Restrict?” (Prof. Dr. Ushangi Bakhtadze)

    Serdecznie zapraszamy na wyjątkowy wykład Prof. Dr. Ushangi Bakhtadze, wybitnego akademika i profesjonalisty w dziedzinie kryminologii, prawa i mediów.  Wykład zatytułowany „Criminalization: When to Restrict?” odbędzie się  18 kwietnia 2024 r. o godz. 10.00, realizowany zdalnie za pośrednictwem platformy MS Teams.

    Prof. Bakhtadze to profesor kryminologii w Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University oraz kierownik Centrum ds. Przestępczości i Sprawiedliwości Kryminalnej. Jego bogate doświadczenie obejmuje zarówno akademickie, jak i praktyczne aspekty prawa oraz kryminologii, co czyni ten wykład niezwykle wartościowym dla każdego zainteresowanego tymi zagadnieniami.

     Link do rejestracji: https://tiny.pl/d7pwt

    Prof. Dr. Ushangi Bakhtadze is a distinguished academic and legal professional with a broad-ranging expertise in criminology, law, and media. He currently holds the position of Professor of Criminology at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University and serves as the Head of the Center for Crime and Criminal Justice.
    In 2020, Dr. Bakhtadze successfully defended his dissertation, titled „Criminological Analysis of Criminalization,” underscoring his dedication to advancing the field of criminology. He also possesses a Master of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Oxford, further attesting to his academic excellence.
    Since 2009, he has been a member of the Georgian Bar Association and is a founding partner of the esteemed law firm JG Counselors. Moreover, since 2017, Dr. Bakhtadze has held the position of Senior Project Officer at the Council of Europe, expanding his influence in legal and policy matters.
    His primary areas of research focus on crime, its causes, prevention, and control, the role of Artificial Intelligence in crime control and reduction, as well as the complex interplay between crime and the media and the AI. Dr. Bakhtadze’s contributions to the legal field encompass authoring numerous books and scientific articles, further cementing his reputation as a leading figure in criminology and media law.

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