SZKOŁY ZIMOWE – programy edukacyjne tworzone przez Wydział Prawa i Administracji, które w ramach kilkudniowego cyklu mają za zadanie przybliżyć jego uczestnikom konkretne dziedziny prawa. Opierają się na praktycznym podejściu do zagadnień, które z uwagi na priorytetyzację głównych gałęzi prawa, w trakcie toku studiów nie są omawiane w sposób szczegółowy.

Winter School of Human Rights – Cultural Human Rights in Contemporary World – 2024 r.

Zespół badawczy prawa międzynarodowego i europejskiego Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego zaprasza wszystkich na Winter School of Human Rights – Cultural Human Rights in Contemporary World, która odbędzie się w dniach 27-29 lutego 2024 roku. Wykłady i warsztaty będą prowadzone zarówno przez ekspertów z Wydziału Prawa w Szczecinie, jak i specjalnych gości. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów prawa, praktyków oraz profesjonalistów zainteresowanych poszerzeniem swojej wiedzy na temat praw człowieka.

Agenda Winter School obejmuje następujące tematy:
  1. Idea praw kulturowych w systemie praw człowieka,
  2. Ochrona praw kulturowych w uniwersalnym systemie prawa międzynarodowego, prawie konstytucyjnym i Unii Europejskiej,
  3. Warsztaty dotyczące orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE i Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka,
  4. Ochrona praw kulturowych migrantów i uchodźców.

AGENDA Winter School of Human Rights – Cultural Human Rights in Contemporary World 27-29.02.2024 (kliknij TUTAJ)

W celu dokonania rejestracji należy wypełnić formularz znajdujący się pod tym linkiem:

Wszystkie zajęcia w ramach Zimowej Szkoły Praw Człowieka odbędą się za pośrednictwem MS Teams.

Wydarzenie jest nieodpłatne, a po jego zakończeniu osoby biorące w nim udział otrzymają certyfikaty potwierdzające uczestnictwo.


Winter School of Human Rights  Cultural Human Rights in Contemporary World


Andrzej Jakubowski is affiliated with the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has served as Chair of the Committee on Participation in Global Cultural Heritage Governance (2018-2022) and Rapporteur of the Committee on Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in All Stages of Armed Conflicts (since 2023), International Law Association (ILA). He is also mediator at the UNESCO Intergovernmental “Return and Restitution” Committee (ICPRCP) and arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Art in The Hague (CAfA). He holds a PhD in Law (European University Institute, Italy) and a Master in Art History (University of Warsaw). Andrzej has authored, inter alia, State Succession in Cultural Property (Oxford University Press, 2015), edited Cultural Rights as Collective Rights: An International Law Perspective (Brill, 2016), and co-edited The 1970 UNESCO and 1995 UNIDROIT Conventions on Stolen or Illegally Transferred Cultural Property. A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2023). []



Professor Maciej Kowalewski, Head of the Institute of Sociology and UNESCO Chair for Social Sustainability at the University of Szczecin Chairholder. His research and teaching works are in the domains of urban sociology and protest politics. His current research project focuses on protest archives and databases.




Anna Kawalec is an Associate Professor in the Department of Epistemology at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. She received her MA in Polish philology, specializing in history and theory of theatre, and her MA study and PhD in philosophy (the dissertation was written at the seminar on philosophy of God and religion). She received habilitation in anthropology and cultural studies (University SWPS). Her recent bigger work is Person and Nexus: Alfred Gell’s anthropological theory of art (in Polish, 2016).

Creator and coordinator of Applied Anthropology Programme at KUL. Internships: DAMU Praha (Czech Republic), LSE (as Research Grant Award; Brunel University (UK), Manizales (Colombia). Fieldworks in: New Mexico (USA, selected tribe), Sibundoy/Putumayo (Colombia).  Areas of specialization: Social, cultural and philosophical anthropology, philosophy of religion, aesthetics, performing arts, literature, cathegory of agency.



Ph.D.,  Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin. Diploma of the International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg (2004). Former Member (2015-2021) and Chair (2018-2012) of the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (special procedure of the Human Rights Council). Elected Member and Vice-Chair of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (2022-2026). Member of the International Law Association Committee on Human Rights in Times of Emergency (2017-). Enrolled in the list of ad hoc judges of the European Court of Human Rights (2018-2022). He served previously as an expert of several Council of Europe working groups. He specializes in European and international human rights law, international judiciary and the law of international organizations.





Agnieszka Bień-Kacała is an Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, Poland. Her research expertise covers liberal and illiberal constitutionalism, constitutional changes, Polish, and comparative constitutional  law.





Graduate of an art history programme at the Faculty of Humanities of the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin (KUL) and doktor habilitowany (post-doctoral degree) of law and professor of KUL and of the University of Szczecin.

Co-creator of the MIGRA-TEAM research team at the Rule of Law Institute; since 2015 head of the Research Center for European Migration Law and Policy at KUL which publishes the “Prawo i polityka migracyjna” [Migration Law and Policy] series. Coordinator of the Foreigners’ Section of the Legal Clinic at the University of Szczecin and of numerous projects dedicated to helping and integrating migrants (i.a. Support for Voluntary Returns in Lublin Region I and II co-financed from the funds of the European Return Fund). Author of monographs and publications on migration and refugee law and coordinator of NCN projects, now: “Ombudsman jako gwarant ochrony praw podstawowych migrantów” [The Ombudsman as a guarantor of protection of fundamental rights of migrants”]


Assistant at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, member of the International Affairs Team of Faculty of Law and Administration. World vice-champion of international competition on simulating legal advice with a client Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition. His academic interests include the international law, European Union law and international protection of human rights. Participant of international training projects (Summer School “Migration and Human Rights Law”; Course of Legal English; Winter School on Human Rights, Summer Law School on Human Rights in Aarhus).





Zimowa Szkoła Praw Człowieka – Ochrona praw podstawowych w Unii Europejskiej – 2023 r.

Zimowa Szkoła Praw Człowieka – Ochrona praw podstawowych w Unii Europejskiej, odbyła się w dniach 21-23 lutego 2023 r. W trakcie wydarzenia zostały poprowadzone zajęcia przez pracowników naukowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego oraz przez zaproszonych gości z unijnych instytucji. Wydarzenie skierowane jest do wszystkich osób zainteresowanych poszerzeniem swojej wiedzy z zakresu prawa Unii Europejskiej.

W trakcie wydarzenia poruszone zostały następujące tematy:

  • System ochrony praw podstawowych Unii Europejskiej,
  • Ochrona praw podstawowych w orzeczeniach TSUE,
  • Karta Praw Podstawowych – jej postanowienia oraz moc wiążąca,
  • Relacja między systemem ochrony praw człowieka Unii Europejskiej a Rady Europy,
  • Działalność Komisji ds. Petycji Parlamentu Europejskiego,
  • Działalność Europejskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich w zakresie ochrony praw podstawowych,
  • Rola Agencji Praw Podstawowych w zakresie ochrony praw podstawowych w Unii Europejskiej.

Wszystkie zajęcia w ramach Zimowej Szkoły Praw Człowieka odbywają się za pośrednictwem MS Teams. Wydarzenie jest nieodpłatne, a po jego zakończeniu osoby biorące w nim udział otrzymują certyfikaty potwierdzające uczestnictwo.

PRELEGENCI – Winter Law School „Fundamental Rights Protection in European Union”

MACIEJ KRUK  – Specjalista Wydziału ds. Współpracy Międzynarodowej Biura Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich

I work as a specialist in the International Cooperation Unit of the Commissioner for Human Rights Office. In the Office I previously worked in the Migration and Ethnic Minorities Unit. I also specialize in legal theory and legal philosophy. After obtaining my PhD at the University of Warsaw in 2022 I teach jurisprudence and legal philosophy at the Faculty of Law Administration as well as classes in the International Legal Communication master studies at the University of Warsaw.



Ph.D.,  Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin. Diploma of the International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg (2004). Former Member (2015-2021) and Chair (2018-2012) of the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (special procedure of the Human Rights Council). Elected Member and Vice-Chair of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (2022-2026). Member of the International Law Association Committee on Human Rights in Times of Emergency (2017-). Enrolled in the list of ad hoc judges of the European Court of Human Rights (2018-2022). He served previously as an expert of several Council of Europe working groups. He specializes in European and international human rights law, international judiciary and the law of international organizations. 




Gabriel Toggenburg heads the agency’s Sector dealing with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and national bodies with a human rights remit such as NHRIs or equality bodies. He joined FRA in 2009 working in the research department and became the agency’s contact point for FRA’s Scientific Committee – a function he still carries out. From 2014 to 2018, he was Senior Legal Advisor in the Director’s Office. Before becoming head of Sector, Gabriel coordinated the agency’s activities related to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, including the regular Fundamental Rights Report Chapter on the use of the Charter at national level and other Charter related tools and activities of FRA.

Before joining FRA, Gabriel worked for over ten years in academia. As a senior legal researcher at the European Academy in Bolzano, he provided policy advice. He has also been a visiting academic at universities in the United States and Austria. He has published over 150 academic articles in the area of human and minority rights but also communicates EU-topics to wider audiences e.g. with his blog Series “All EU-r rights”.

He holds a Master of Law (University of Innsbruck), an LLM in European law (Danube University Krems) and a PhD in law (European University Institute Florence). He is an Honorary Professor for European Union and Human Rights law at the University of Graz.


Michał Żuk is a communications officer and speechwriter at the European Ombudsman. In his role, Michał is responsible for promoting the role of the Ombudsman and presenting its work on inquires to the general public and to experts. Previously, Michał worked for Brussels-based communications firms ICF-Next and Cronos Europa, during which he assisted the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, as well as its Directorate-General for Energy, with various communications projects. He is a graduate of the London School of Economics (MSc in European Studies) and McGill University in Montréal (BA in Philosophy and Political Science).


Graduate of an art history programme at the Faculty of Humanities of the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin (KUL) and doktor habilitowany (post-doctoral degree) of law and professor of KUL and of the University of Szczecin.

Co-creator of the MIGRA-TEAM research team at the Rule of Law Institute; since 2015 head of the Research Center for European Migration Law and Policy at KUL which publishes the “Prawo i polityka migracyjna” [Migration Law and Policy] series. Coordinator of the Foreigners’ Section of the Legal Clinic at the University of Szczecin and of numerous projects dedicated to helping and integrating migrants (i.a. Support for Voluntary Returns in Lublin Region I and II co-financed from the funds of the European Return Fund). Author of monographs and publications on migration and refugee law and coordinator of NCN projects, now: “Ombudsman jako gwarant ochrony praw podstawowych migrantów” [The Ombudsman as a guarantor of protection of fundamental rights of migrants”]


Assistant at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, Research Team on International Law and European Union Law. Organizer of numerous scientific conferences.

Completed scientific internships and library queries in Poland and abroad (Trinity College Dublin, Vilniaus Universitetas, Catholic University of Lublin). Participant of numerous international training projects (Erasmus+ training course, summer schools in Berlin and Genshagen). Certificate „Chance To Update, Erasmus+ Course for youth-workers” (practical training course dedicated to the major knowledge, skills and attitude of Youth Trainers, Youth Leaders, Business-Trainers and Facilitators working in the field of non-formal learning and Business- Education). Completed „Professional Coach” course with international certification. Member of the Polish Branch of the International Law Association. Member of the Amicus Facultatis Iuris Stetinensis Association. Member of the Team for contact with secondary schools. Experience in conducting classes on European issues and human rights in Polish and English for children and youth at every level of education. Cooperation with EUROPE DIRECT Szczecin and Youth Secretariat of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship.


Teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Szczecin in the field of public international law. His academic interests include in particular the law of treaties, freedom to provide services within the European Union and the universal and European system of human rights protection. Additionally, he is involved in promoting Polish- German cooperation. Within the scope of his didactic activity he conducts classes in Public International Law, Protection of Human Rights and classes in English for students arriving within the Erasmus+ programme (Public International Law, Human Rights Law, International Organizations, History of Szczecin in Public International Law Perspective). From February 2020 a supporting member of the Labour Mobility Initiative that brings together the employers, scholars, workers and public administration and creates the only Polish and European forum for exchange of knowledge on the posting of workers within the freedom to provide services. Member of organising committees of national scientific conferences co- organised by the Faculty of Law and Administration of University of Szczecin. Participant of the programme „Exchange of academic teachers within the framework of cooperation between the University of Szczecin and the University of Greifswald, Germany” and a research internship together with a library search at Vilnius University


Assistant at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, member of the International Affairs Team of Faculty of Law and Administration. World vice-champion of international competition on simulating legal advice with a client Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition. His academic interests include the international law and European Union law. He is particularly interested in the recognition of subjects of international law as states and case studies connected with international treaty obligations. Participant of international training projects (Summer School “Migration and Human Rights Law”; Course of Legal English; Slavic Officers Meeting).

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