• 27 LUT 24
    Winter School of Human Rights – Cultural Human Rights in Contemporary World

    Winter School of Human Rights – Cultural Human Rights in Contemporary World

    Zespół badawczy prawa międzynarodowego i europejskiego Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego zaprasza wszystkich na Winter School of Human Rights – Cultural Human Rights in Contemporary World, która odbędzie się w dniach 27-29 lutego 2024 roku. Wykłady i warsztaty będą prowadzone zarówno przez ekspertów z Wydziału Prawa w Szczecinie, jak i specjalnych gości. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów prawa, praktyków oraz profesjonalistów zainteresowanych poszerzeniem swojej wiedzy na temat praw człowieka.

    Agenda Winter School obejmuje następujące tematy:
    1. Idea praw kulturowych w systemie praw człowieka,
    2. Ochrona praw kulturowych w uniwersalnym systemie prawa międzynarodowego, prawie konstytucyjnym i Unii Europejskiej,
    3. Warsztaty dotyczące orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE i Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka,
    4. Ochrona praw kulturowych migrantów i uchodźców.

    W celu dokonania rejestracji należy wypełnić formularz znajdujący się pod tym linkiem: https://tiny.pl/dh5g4. Wszystkie zajęcia w ramach Zimowej Szkoły Praw Człowieka odbędą się za pośrednictwem MS Teams.

    Wydarzenie jest nieodpłatne, a po jego zakończeniu osoby biorące w nim udział otrzymają certyfikaty potwierdzające uczestnictwo.

    Szkoła realizowana jest pod honorowym patronatem
    Katedry UNESCO Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.


    Winter School of Human Rights 
    Cultural Human Rights in Contemporary World

    Andrzej Jakubowski is affiliated with the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has served as Chair of the Committee on Participation in Global Cultural Heritage Governance (2018-2022) and Rapporteur of the Committee on Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in All Stages of Armed Conflicts (since 2023), International Law Association (ILA). He is also mediator at the UNESCO Intergovernmental “Return and Restitution” Committee (ICPRCP) and arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Art in The Hague (CAfA). He holds a PhD in Law (European University Institute, Italy) and a Master in Art History (University of Warsaw). Andrzej has authored, inter alia, State Succession in Cultural Property (Oxford University Press, 2015), edited Cultural Rights as Collective Rights: An International Law Perspective (Brill, 2016), and co-edited The 1970 UNESCO and 1995 UNIDROIT Conventions on Stolen or Illegally Transferred Cultural Property. A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2023). [https://andrzejjakubowski.com]



    Professor Maciej Kowalewski, Head of the Institute of Sociology and UNESCO Chair for Social Sustainability at the University of Szczecin Chairholder. His research and teaching works are in the domains of urban sociology and protest politics. His current research project focuses on protest archives and databases.




    Anna Kawalec is an Associate Professor in the Department of Epistemology at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. She received her MA in Polish philology, specializing in history and theory of theatre, and her MA study and PhD in philosophy (the dissertation was written at the seminar on philosophy of God and religion). She received habilitation in anthropology and cultural studies (University SWPS). Her recent bigger work is Person and Nexus: Alfred Gell’s anthropological theory of art (in Polish, 2016).

    Creator and coordinator of Applied Anthropology Programme at KUL. Internships: DAMU Praha (Czech Republic), LSE (as Research Grant Award; Brunel University (UK), Manizales (Colombia). Fieldworks in: New Mexico (USA, selected tribe), Sibundoy/Putumayo (Colombia).  Areas of specialization: Social, cultural and philosophical anthropology, philosophy of religion, aesthetics, performing arts, literature, cathegory of agency.


    Katarzyna Piskorz – b. 1990. Curator, art historian and author of texts. A graduate of the University of Warsaw, she studied in UK and Denmark. She worked in a variety of art institution in Poland (incl. Zachęta National Gallery of Art), and abroad (incl. Saatchi Gallery in London and Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice). She has been working in the auction market since 2018 – initially at Desa Unicum then as a freelancer she was offering advice and guidance to private art collectors. Creative director at HOS Gallery since 2019.


    Karolina Zychowicz, Ph.D. — art historian, assistant professor at the Institute of Art History of the University of Wrocław and the Institute of Visual Arts of the University of Zielona Góra. In the years 2011–2023 she worked at Zachęta – National Gallery of Art




    Ph.D.,  Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin. Diploma of the International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg (2004). Former Member (2015-2021) and Chair (2018-2012) of the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (special procedure of the Human Rights Council). Elected Member and Vice-Chair of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (2022-2026). Member of the International Law Association Committee on Human Rights in Times of Emergency (2017-). Enrolled in the list of ad hoc judges of the European Court of Human Rights (2018-2022). He served previously as an expert of several Council of Europe working groups. He specializes in European and international human rights law, international judiciary and the law of international organizations.


    Agnieszka Bień-Kacała is an Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, Poland. Her research expertise covers liberal and illiberal constitutionalism, constitutional changes, Polish, and comparative constitutional  law.




    Graduate of an art history programme at the Faculty of Humanities of the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin (KUL) and doktor habilitowany (post-doctoral degree) of law and professor of KUL and of the University of Szczecin.

    Co-creator of the MIGRA-TEAM research team at the Rule of Law Institute; since 2015 head of the Research Center for European Migration Law and Policy at KUL which publishes the “Prawo i polityka migracyjna” [Migration Law and Policy] series. Coordinator of the Foreigners’ Section of the Legal Clinic at the University of Szczecin and of numerous projects dedicated to helping and integrating migrants (i.a. Support for Voluntary Returns in Lublin Region I and II co-financed from the funds of the European Return Fund). Author of monographs and publications on migration and refugee law and coordinator of NCN projects, now: “Ombudsman jako gwarant ochrony praw podstawowych migrantów” [The Ombudsman as a guarantor of protection of fundamental rights of migrants”]

    Assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the US; obtained a doctorate in law in 2019 after defending her doctoral dissertation entitled „The right to human identity in Polish and international law”.

    Her main area of research activities is human rights and their protection in the system of national, EU and international law. Among her research interests, a special place is occupied by the issues of human identity and the rights associated with it, as well as contemporary threats to human rights resulting from social, economic and technological changes. She conducts didactic classes in the following fields: Law, Administration, Medical Law, Law of Uniformed Services, where she performs, inter alia, such subjects as: constitutional law, European Union law, protection of human rights, states of emergency, sources of law, public interest ombudsmen in health protection, etc.

    She is the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for international cooperation and coordinator of the Faculty Team for International Cooperation. Member of Dean`s Council at Faculty of Law and Administration of the US

    A graduate of the University of Szczecin, she obtained a doctorate in social sciences in the discipline of law. Since 2016, he has been an employee of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Szczecin, currently as an assistant professor. She specializes in international and constitutional law. Her research area includes the protection of human rights in the context of socio-economic changes. Author of many scientific publications. Active participant in international research projects, influencing the development of legal standards..



    Assistant at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, member of the International Affairs Team of Faculty of Law and Administration. World vice-champion of international competition on simulating legal advice with a client Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition. His academic interests include the international law, European Union law and international protection of human rights. Participant of international training projects (Summer School “Migration and Human Rights Law”; Course of Legal English; Winter School on Human Rights, Summer Law School on Human Rights in Aarhus).



    Aleksandra Bołoz is a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of the University of Szczecin and an intern at the European Parliament. Her research is focused on human rights and international law, but she also explores the topic of intellectual property law. She actively engages in international projects, such as the Summer Law School on Human Rights in Utrecht.




    DOMINIKA KASPROWICZ – professor in the field of political science, graduate of political science and the interdisciplinary program of the University of Warsaw’s Academy of Liberal Arts, a two-time scholarship holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, experienced manager of international projects including Horizon 2020, Creative Europe, etc., graduate of the European Cultural Projects Management program and the American IVLP program – NGO Management. Specialist in representing the interests of minority groups in political systems, political communication, and populism. Originator of projects such as Culture in Exile, Electoral Barometer, author of numerous publications and reports. Scientifically and didactically associated with the Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication at the Jagiellonian University.


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