• 28 MAR 22
    Wykład pt. „European Union Regulation of Heritage and Sustainable Tourism” – prof. Marius C. Mensah

    Wykład pt. „European Union Regulation of Heritage and Sustainable Tourism” – prof. Marius C. Mensah

    Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego zaprasza na wykład pt. „European Union Regulation of Heritage and Sustainable Tourism”, który przeprowadzi prof. Mariusa C. Mensaha (Uniwersytet w Mariborze).

    Wykład odbędzie się 29 marca 2022 r., o godzinie 13:30 w trybie stacjonarnym, w sali 222, w budynku Wydziału Prawa i Administracji US przy ul. Narutowicza 17A w Szczecinie.

    Wykład będzie realizowany w języku angielskim. Na wydarzenie obowiązują zapisy.

    Formularz rejestracyjny: https://forms.office.com/r/K5fqMwwhmg


    Dr. Mensah Cocou Marius is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Slovenia. He is the Holder of the prestigious Jean Monnet Module (2022-2025) with the topic: European Union Regulation of Heritage. Dr. Mensah is a specialist in International Law, Environmental and most of his papers are about sustainable development and international legal issues. He was a speaker at many international conferences and events organized by institutions such as the Royal Chatham House, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, and other agencies. He is the author of the book: ‘‘International law & sustainable development in the ECOWAS sub region.’’ published in 2015, the author of more than 25 scientific articles published in different countries, and co-author of several monographs.Dr. Mensah is a regular lecturer of the U.N (Association of Slovenia) summer school on the European Green Deal and a team-member of projects financed by the EU such as „Diversity of Enforcement Titles in Cross-Border Debt Recovery in the EU” and „Train to Enforce”.

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