• 16 MAJA 22
    Kurs „Digitalisation and the Criminal Law” – István Ambrus Ph.D. dr. habil. Associate Professor

    Kurs „Digitalisation and the Criminal Law” – István Ambrus Ph.D. dr. habil. Associate Professor

    Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego zaprasza do udziału w kolejnym kursie na naszym Wydziale realizowanym w języku angielskim. Od 13 kwietnia br. odbywa się kurs pt. Digitalisation and the Criminal Law. Prowadzący kurs: István Ambrus Ph.D. dr. habil. Associate Professor (Eötvös Loránd University).

    Dla uczestników szkolenia przewidziane są certyfikaty uczestnictwa. Kurs odbywa się w formule zdalnej.

    Na wydarzenie obowiązują zapisy.  Formularz rejestracyjny: https://bit.ly/3DigICY


    13 kwietnia 2022 r., godz. 12.00 – 16.00 (April 13, 12 a.m.-4. p.m.)
    Digitalisation and the Criminal Law. Problems, definitions and research issues. Digitalisation and the possible changes of the definition of the criminal offence
    27 kwietnia 2022 r., godz. 12.00 – 16.00 (April 27, 12 a.m.-4. p.m.)
    Digitalisation and the imposition of criminal sanctions. Algorithms and sanctioning
    18 maja 2022 r., godz. 13.00 – 16.00 (May 4, 12.a.m.-4. p.m.)
    Artificial intelligence and the criminal law. Self-driving cars, electronic scooters, segways and the regulation of traffic offences
    New digital tools: block-chain, smart contracts, credit cards, drones and the criminal law. New forms of theft and fraud Cyber-stalking (harrasment)
    25 maja 2022 r., godz. 13.00 – 16.00 (May 25, 1-4. p.m.)
    Money laundering and financing terrorism Ethical hacking. Criminal offences committed via the Internet (hate crime, fake news, fear-mongering, blasphemy)
    7 czerwca 2022 r., godz. 13.00 – 16.00 (June, 1-4. p.m.)
    New types of sexual offences (child pornography, deep fake, revenge porn, upskirting, cyberflashing) COVID19-pandemic and Substantive Criminal Law
    8 czerwca 2022 r., godz. 13.00 – 16.00 (June, 1 p.m.-4. p.m.)
    Presentations, consultation

    István Ambrus is an associate professor of substantive criminal law at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. In 2012, he received a PhD degree with his thesis on concurrence of criminal offences. He has been teaching criminal law at leading universities in Hungary for 13 years, and has been a visiting professor in Belgium, Sweden, Lithuania and Germany. He also worked as a public prosecutor for several years. He has published more than 130 publications. His latest monograph, published in 2021, addresses issues of digitisation and criminal justice. In this book he dealt with the regulation of artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, electronic scooters, deep-fake, etc.

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