• 22 PAŹ 18

    1sth Seminar of Theory and Economics of Law

    The previous week of October was marked by the visit of our kind colleagues dr Erzsébet Csatlós and dr Judit Siket (Szeged University, Hungary). It was the first time we have the opportunity to organise the Seminar of Theory and Economics of Law to share our recent research results concerning these issues with each other.  The seminar was held on 17th October.

    The topics of presentation were diversified. The first two dealt with an administration law and were presented by our Guests form Szeged University: dr Erzsébet Csatlós (“Emergency Travel Document –New Stage in the European Administration of Consular Protection Great Expectations – great development?”) and dr Judit Siket (“Hungarian Local Government System in the Light of European Charter of Local Self-Government”).
    The two others presentations focused on theory and economics of law: dr hab. Krystyna Nizioł, prof. US (“The Economization of Public Law in Poland and in the European Union”) and dr Michał Peno (“Some Remarks on the Rule of Law”).

    More information about the next seminar will be available soon.

    W dniu 17 bm. odbyło się międzynarodowe seminarium  w kórym uczestniczyli goście z Węgier, Włoch oraz Portugalii. Referaty z zakresu teoretycznych problemów prawa administracyjnego Erzsébet Csatlós (University of Szeged, Hungary) pt. Emergency Travel Document – New  Stage in  the European Administration of Consular  Protection Great  Expectations – great development? oraz Judit Siket (University of Szeged, Hungary) pt. Hungarian Local Government System in the Light of European Charter of Local Self-Government.

    Następnie referaty wygłosili przdstwiciele Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego: Krystyna Nizioł ­– The Economization of Public Law in Poland and in the European Union (referat z zakresu ekonomicznej analizy prawa) oraz  Michał Peno – Some remarks on the rule of law.

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